Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Finding the Best Prop For Your Boat

The boat prop affects the speed and performance of a boat. Whether the boat requires better hole shot performance or pickup, the boat prop can make all the difference. For greater boating efficiency finding the best boat prop for your needs will enhance your boating experience.

Each prop serves a purpose and a type of boat. Many boaters require props that serve many purposes. They may use the same boat for towing skiers and for racing. A boat prop that will give good efficient performance for various purposes will serve as a compromise when the boat is not being used only for one purpose.

The primary considerations for the best prop for your boat are the diameter and pitch of the prop and the number of blades.

The diameter and pitch is decided by the engine gear case and specified in the manual of the engine. The diameter and pitch of the prop will be stamped on the hub. A higher pitch will move the boat forward faster. High pitches give better top end speed for racing and give greater fuel economy that low pitch props. Lower pitches are for slow speed boats that carry weights.

The number of blades in the prop is important to determine the best boat prop for your boat. Props with four or five blades increase the pickup of the boat. The range of sizes of four and five blade props is limited. Three blade props give better top end speed for racing and are available in a range of sizes. A high rake or angle to which the blades are connected with the prop hub and extra cupping or curving at the end of the boat propeller will reduce ventilation and cavitation which are both problems that cause damage to the engine system and the boat.

The material of the propeller is an important consideration when you look for the best propeller for your boat. Aluminum propellers are easily available and economical. They are lightweight and an extra prop can be carried by the boater for emergencies. Aluminum shatters when it hits an obstacle in waters where there are underwater hurdles and prevents damage to the rest of the engine system. Stainless steel props are thinner than other props and more durable. They are resistant to corrosion and can be used for salt water sailing. Stainless steel props resonate when they hit an obstacle and damage the rest of the engine. They are therefore, the ideal props for sailing on the high seas where there are no underwater obstacles.

The propeller must fit the WOT (Wide Open Throttle) RPM specified in the manual of the engine of your boat. If there is no manual, the dealer will be able to tell you the WOT RPM of the engine. The propeller must be compatible with the WOT RPM of the boat.

To get the best boating experience from your boat, you must find the best boat prop for your boat. The prop combines many functions the help the boat perform at its best.

Find discount props on BoatProps123. You'll get a great deal on outboard, stern drive and sterndrive propellers.

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